
You can make a lot of money by writing and self-publishing your own material, if you are willing to write ebooks, articles, reports or newsletters that millions of people across the United States, and throughout the world for that matter, desperately want to buy.

Today, more than ever before, is the age of information. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, there continues to be an incredible demand for information throughout the world. There is an astronomical demand for information-packed ebooks, articles, reports and newsletters of almost every imaginable kind. You can start putting a price on information you have no doubt been giving away.


Anyone who can communicate an idea to another person, should be able to get their same message across on a written page. If you are either an expert on some subject, or are interested enough to obtain the information needed for a project, you have what it takes to go from having an idea, to self-publishing your own material in whatever format it develops into.

There are hundreds of publications filled with ads by people just like yourself, who discovered they could make a lot of money writing and publishing their own work. Looking through opportunity magazines, Article Directories on the web or other publications that cover the field you are interested in, is a good place to start looking for ideas.

Review all the advertisements in the magazines or Directories you have chosen to see what popular topics and subjects are being written about in ebooks, articles, reports and newsletters. Then ask yourself if you can come up with a better way, or have equally interesting information you can present from a different angle, or with a different twist that would also be of interest to the readers in that market. If the answer is "yes," then you can enter that market and also make some money!


After you have written your material, you will have to decide on how you will package the information to make it sell-able. Depending on your market, some packaging will sell better than others. For example, you can print your information in a series of publications, print it in a ebook, article, report or newsletter.

One thing is certain, people are paying billions of dollars to obtain well-packaged information! There are ebooks that sell for up to $100 and more, with articles coming in a close second. There are reports that consist of 10-12 pages selling for up to $10 or more, while some seminars can cost as much a $15,000 for a single weekend. It may sound incredible to the average person, but people are willing to pay top dollar for information. However, the "packaging" must be perceived as being worth the price you are asking.

But before you decide on how to package your information, you must first consider who your primary audience is, and cater to those people in everything you do.


Information for your subject matter can be found in various places. For the very best results, start with your own field or expertise and turn it into a ebook, article, report or newsletter.

Focus on providing your targeted market with simple, understandable, and helpful information. It must overwhelmingly appeal to your customer's wants and desires.

Never forget that this is the age of specialized information. People are completely willing to spend their money for tens of thousands of different forms of information, provided it is useful to them. Your job is to either find a need and fill it, or create the need and supply it.

One of the best ways to get started is to sit down with some paper and write down every subject you have some degree of knowledge about. Your list of subjects doesn't have to be in any particular order. Don't force it. When ideas for headings no longer come easy, stop and start up again at a later time. When you feel comfortable that you have covered most of the areas you know, start picking out the topics that interest you the most. Then you can start researching more material for your writing projects. A great place to find material for articles is in Article Directories. You will find lots of these on the internet.


Effective marketing is a vast field. It includes using marketing tools such as: direct mail; classified ads; signs; internet marketing; radio and TV commercials; business involvement, and more. In fact, the approaches you can take and the methods you use are only limited by your imagination and resources. There are basic rules that do not change, however. They are as follows:

Rule No. 1 - You must get a prospect's ATTENTION. The Headline is very important.

Rule No. 2 - You must create reader INTEREST.

Rule No. 3 - You must arouse the reader's DESIRE.

Rule No. 4 - Your ad must move them to ACT.

It is essential that you have a plan before you take action on developing an advertising strategy. Your plan must be based on an objective analysis that has resulted from your knowledge and research. It doesn't matter what your background is, you can learn to master the type advertising that is needed to launch a self-publishing business.

Through research and careful planning you can become familiar with the writing skills you will need to create effective adds. Obtain all the information you can from the masters in the business. Read and study every ebook, article directory, report, newsletter, ad, article, and publication you can get your hands on that will help you in developing your own successful strategies and techniques. Then bring all of that knowledge together to obtain winning results.

5. How to Make Money

You can make money from your writings in several ways. You can sell you writings in the form of an ebook or report on Ebay. You can sell it in the form of a newsletter on your webpage and ask people to subscribe for a small fee.

Another alternative method is to write your article for free but attach a link to it for some product which the article is promoting. There are lots of products on the web which you can sell for other people and earn a good commission. Sometimes up to 70% commission. Examples of such websites are Commission Junction, and Click Bank. You can submit this article with the link to hundreds of Article Directory websites for free.

The advantage of this is that you will have loads of links on the internet promoting your product. This in turn will lead to sales and profits!.Please don't blatantly promote the product in your article and don't include links to it in the body of the article. Most Article Directories will decline such articles.

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